Dmitry Prokhorenkov
Dmitry Prokhorenkov
I offer thesis supervision for motivated students in Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (Differential Privacy) and GDPR compliance. If you are interested in referred subjects, please send your application with your CV and actual transcript to my email (with a topic: "Thesis Supervision"). Mr Prokhorenkov D. joined the Chair of IT Security (I20) at the end of 2023 before he was a member of the Operating Systems Chair (F13). During his project at F13 Chair in cooperation with the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation, his research focused on investigating Differential Privacy implications from a legal, technical perspective in collaboration with various privacy researchers and experts. Before joining the F13 chair, he took part in various innovative startups. Dmitry is a Dipl. -Ing. in Computer Science (Bauman Moscow State Technical University) and holds two additional MSc in Big Data Systems (HSE University) and MSc in Digital Business, Innovation and Management (Lancaster University). 2024 Best Poster Award: Prokhorenkov, D., "Reference Model for Differential Privacy (RMDP)", IWSEC2024 2023 Prokhorenkov, D., & Cao, Y. (2023, November). Towards Benchmarking Privacy Risk for Differential Privacy: A Survey. In Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (pp. 322-327). Prokhorenkov, D. (2023, April). Toward Compliance Implications and Security Objectives: A Qualitative Study. In 2023 IEEE 39th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW) (pp. 138-145). IEEE. 2022Research focus
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