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Master-Seminar: Trusted Execution Environments

Master-Seminar: Trusted Execution Environments  

Seminare 2 SWS / 5 ECTS
Veranstalter: Fabian Franzen
Zeit und Ort:

Preliminary Meeting: Monday, 31 January 2022 / 15.30 h - Onlinekonferenz


 VC Kickoff Meeting


 hier die Folien zum Kick-OFF Meeting



Inhalt: Participants independently write a seminar paper about a challenging scientific topic and present, analyze, evaluate and discuss the results. The paper summarizes the essential concepts of the topic and includes a list of references.
Possible topics include:
• Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX):
• - Comparison of existing Trusted Execution Environments (AMD SEV, ARM TrustZone, Intel SGX, ...)
• - Limitations and Possibilities of Intel SGX Enclaves with respect to RAM limitations of 128MB
• - Limitations and Possibilities of Intel SGX Enclaves with respect to communication and interaction with a TPM
• AMD Secure Extension Mode (SEM):
• - Analysis of bug history and improvement ideas
• AMD Platform Security Processor (PSP):
• - Analysis of bug history and improvement ideas
• Remote attestation via TEE:
• - Is Property-based attestation currently dead? If yes can it be revived?
• - Realizing semantic attestation via TEE
• Remote Policy Enforcement via TEE:
• - Practical issues in the construction of a policy engine fitting inside a TEE
Students can also propose own topics.


Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen:

Basic knowledge in cryptography
• Basic knowledge in operating systems
• Basic knowledge in network communication


• Understand, prepare and present a scientific topic
• Understand the possibilities and limitations of technologies for memory protection


Maximum number of participants is 10.


Ansprechpartner AISEC:

Alexander Weidinger - alexander.weidinger@aisec.fraunhofer.de

Benjamin Orthen - benjamin.orthen@aisec.fraunhofer.de

Hendrik Meyer zum Felde