Secure Software Supply Chains
Secure Software Supply Chains
Seminare | 2 SWS / 5 ECTS |
Veranstalter: | Lukas Gehrke |
Zeit und Ort: | Vorbesprechung Seminar: Dienstag, 04.02.2025 um 14.00 Uhr in Raum 01.08.033 Pre-Meeting Slides: here they are |
Beginn: |
Thank you to all who attended the pre-meeting. The slides are available now, also for those who couldn't make it.
The goal of the seminar is that you learn and practice academic working: literature search, writing a scientific report and giving a talk.
Your topics will mainly focus on research on software supply chain security. Software supply chain security is about questions such as:
- How to address vulnerabilities in context of the entanglements of software through the re-usage of code? (e.g. through package or dependency managment)
- How to efficiently communicate vulnerabilities that have been detected in code to all other software that reuses it
- How to efficiently find out, in what way software that reuses vulnerable code is affected itself
More on that in the pre-meeting slides.