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Structure-Aware Mutations for Library Fuzzing

Structure-Aware Mutations for Library Fuzzing

Supervisor(s): Fabian Kilger
Status: finished
Topic: Others
Author: Valentin Metz
Submission: 2023-09-15
Type of Thesis: Bachelorthesis


AutoDriver is an automatic generator for fuzz-drivers
with the ability to pass complex objects between functions within a 
However, its current implementation relies on the default,
non-structure aware mutator suite of AFL++.
This limitation results in a high occurrence of crashes
caused by incorrect usage of the fuzz driver and a significant number of 
wasted fuzz cycles.
We introduce a custom, structure-aware mutator for AFL++,
specifically designed to generate the expected input structure of 
By integrating this mutator, we expedite initial coverage exploration,
enable deliberate utilization of AutoDriver-specific functionalities,
and reduce the overall number of crashes logged due to structurally 
invalid input.
To evaluate the effectiveness of our custom mutator,
we compare it against the default mutator suite of AFL++ in a 
fuzzing-campaign with five well-known library targets.
Our results demonstrate that the integration of a custom mutator
presents a viable approach for enhancing AutoDriver's performance.
We outline further research opportunities aimed at surpassing the 
performance of the default AFL++ mutator suite,
enabling AutoDriver to produce better overall results in the library 
fuzzing domain.