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RkNN query on encrypted multi-dimensional data using the Paillier cryptosystem and OPE

RkNN query on encrypted multi-dimensional data using the Paillier cryptosystem and OPE

Supervisor(s): Georg Bramm
Status: finished
Topic: Others
Author: Ursula Rieger
Submission: 2020-07-15
Type of Thesis: Masterthesis
Thesis topic in co-operation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security AISEC, Garching


Nowadays mobility is taken as a natural part of our lifes. Smartphones, Tablets and
other devices give us the ability to retrieve our position and a possible path to our
destination. This valuable information can be protected by encryption of the map data
represented by a graph, giving only the user the possibility to create the right queries
and understand the answers. 
This Master's thesis uses structured encryption with hOPE, Paillier and elGamal to 
encrypt the graph, which then can be stored by an untrusted third party. On the
encrypted data a reverse-k-nearest-neighbour (RkNN) query can be calculated. Using an
encrypted graph and the possibility to calculate a RkNN query over it, a user can ask
for specific queries which do not result in a completely leakage of personal and private
data without storing all data locally. 
This Master's thesis analyses different versions of RkNN and suggests what seems to be 
best version of the RkNN in the given framework.