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On the applicability of emerging identity standards to decentralized identity directories

On the applicability of emerging identity standards to decentralized identity directories

Supervisor(s): Dr. Martin Schanzenbach
Status: finished
Topic: Others
Author: Tristan Schwieren
Submission: 2022-02-15
Type of Thesis: Bachelorthesis
Thesis topic in co-operation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security AISEC, Garching


New emerging identity standards such as Decentralized Identities and Verifiable
Credentials are being developed. While some people see them as a way to give internet
users more privacy and freedom, others criticize them for using either centralized or
environmentally harmful technology. In this bachelor thesis, we are going to explore
how the new identity standards can be used in the GNU Name System and re:claimID.
Both systems are not environmentally harmful or centralized while still protecting
users’ privacy and freedom. We show how Decentralized Identifiers can be used with
the GNU Name System as the underlying Verifiable Data Registry. We then map
Verifiable Credentials to re:claimID and explain some of the arisen problems. We are
going to look at other existing systems implementing Decentralized Identifiers. We
are going to find out that some standards are already very useful while others are still
early in their development. Last, we will describe our findings on the applicability of
the emerging identity standards.