Anomaly detection is a big part of many areas of our daily lives, such as financial services, network monitoring, and medical diagnosis. Most of the application fields are either financially, socially, or security-relevant domains, where precise anomaly/outlier detection methods are important for the successful operation of these services. Unsurprisingly, the field of anomaly detection on classical data is highly researched, bringing up many statistical and machine-learning approaches. With the recent appearance of quantum machine learning offering interesting possible advances in computational power and latent space complexity, the next step is to look into possible methods for anomaly detection using this approach. We tackle the anomaly detection problem in time series data by building upon existing methods, identifying their weaknesses, and proposing new model architectures to improve on them. This thesis introduces two model formulations, the window model and the multi-time-step model, which are more sensitive to the trained data by giving them better temporal insight into the data. Most time-dependent data is influenced by its past, creating interesting anomaly scenarios that are difficult to detect. Our findings emphasize the importance of the temporal insights the model can gain through reformulating the model’s architectures. The evaluations show a significant improvement compared to the reference method on all tested scenarios, particularly on collective anomalies spanning multiple time steps, where the improved temporal knowledge leads to higher anomaly detection accuracies.