Context switching, or the act of switching between processes, tends to be a heavyweight operation in modern operating systems. A major reason for this is that it involves flushing the TLB, the cache for virtual-to-physical address mappings in modern microarchitectures. After such a TLB flush, the newly scheduled process starts with a "cold" TLB, which increases the number of TLB misses, resulting in expensive page table walks during address translation. Many TLB flushes performed during context switches are unnecessary and exist only to avoid TLB conflicts when switching to a different virtual address space. This is a consequence of traditional process isolation techniques that assign each process in the system a different virtual address space. We explore a new approach to process isolation that utilizes custom hardware extensions for the x86 microarchitecture. We aim to provide a more lightweight mechanism for process isolation that reduces the amount of TLB flushes during context switching while maintaining the same qualitative security guarantees of traditional process isolation. Our design is based on the SPT Linux thesis, which follows a similar approach but uses existing x86 techniques such as Intel MPK. The main idea is to place all processes into a single shared virtual address space so that TLB entries of different processes do not conflict and unnecessary TLB flushes during context switches can be avoided. To ensure process isolation within the shared address space, we propose the new microarchitectural PISeg mechanism, which is inspired by x86 memory segmentation and prevents memory accesses from exceeding the processes’ PISeg slot. We implement the design prototype using the gem5 microarchitectural simulator and a modified Linux kernel. In benchmarks we observe mixed results, indicating smaller increases and decreases in performance depending on use case. We conclude that sharing a virtual address space alone may not be sufficient to improve the performance of context switching, but we believe that further research may lead to novel ways of optimizing process isolation performance.