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Learning on a budget from multiple experts

Learning on a budget from multiple experts

Supervisor(s): Bojan Kolosnjaji Peng Xu
Status: finished
Topic: Others
Author: Armin Mesic
Submission: 2019-02-15
Type of Thesis: Bachelorthesis


We study the problem of learning from multiple experts under budget constraints. A
Model for each expert is trained on annotations provided from the expert’s previous
labeling experience. Experts are varying in reliability and experience. Our goal is
to reduce the number of active experts to match a stated budget and still achieve
high performance. We introduce a supervised machine learning approach, that jointly
optimizes classification and budget. Two models are introduced, simple and full
expertise model. Simple model selects a subset of experts, which are staying fixed
during test time. During test time the full expertise model selects for each data point a
new subset of experts. Finally we are evaluating the robustness of the full expertise
model against undirected label flip attacks.