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Development of a Testbed to Demonstrate Attacks on Emulated PLC Networks

Development of a Testbed to Demonstrate Attacks on Emulated PLC Networks

Supervisor(s): Alexander Giehl, Michael Heinl
Status: finished
Topic: Others
Author: Victor Embacher
Submission: 2021-04-15
Type of Thesis: Bachelorthesis
Thesis topic in co-operation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security AISEC, Garching


Operational technologies (OT) are industrial information systems that directly interact with the physical world. Previously isolated networks have become more connected to corporate networks and the Internet, highlighting unaddressed problems in regard to information security. Some issues are caused by an established reliance on security-through-obscurity, others are rooted in their initial conception as isolated networks. Consequently, OT networks receive increased attention from both malicious actors and cybersecurity researchers. For research purposes and threat hunting, we require an environment in which we can study apparent information security problems in a safe and realistic manner. Programmable logic controllers (PLC) are important elements of OT environments. However, most pre-existing testbeds do not address PLCs in-depth. The goal of this thesis is to develop a testbed to fulfill the need for a comprehensive testing environment. We analyze requirements posed to such testbeds and then use them to develop a PLC network based on simulation, emulation and virtualization techniques. The realized testbed is used to implement and demonstrate realistic attacks targeting PLC networks. Our testing environment can be used to educate people from OT about risks they face and are potentially unaware of. Additionally, IT personnel can be familiarized with issues unique to cyber-physical systems. Furthermore, we can utilize the testbed to discover previously unknown vulnerabilities.