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Phase Transition and the Computational Complexity of Generating r-contiguous Detectors

The problem of generating r-contiguous detectors in negative selection can be transformed in the problem of finding assignment sets for a Boolean formula in k-CNF. Knowing this crucial fact enables us to explore the computational complexity and the feasibility of finding detectors with respect to the number of self bit strings $|\mathcalS|$, the bit string length l and matching length r. It turns out that finding detectors is hardest in the phase transition region, which is characterized by certain combinations of parameters $|\mathcalS|,l$ and r. This insight is derived by investigating the r-contiguous matching probability in a random search approach and by using the equivalent k-CNF problem formulation.

Phase Transition and the Computational Complexity of Generating r-contiguous Detectors

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS-2007)

Authors: Thomas Stibor
Year/month: 2007/
Booktitle: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS-2007)
Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Pages: 142--155
Address: Santos/SP, Brazil
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Fulltext: icaris2007tscrc.pdf


The problem of generating r-contiguous detectors in negative selection can be transformed in the problem of finding assignment sets for a Boolean formula in k-CNF. Knowing this crucial fact enables us to explore the computational complexity and the feasibility of finding detectors with respect to the number of self bit strings $|\mathcalS|$, the bit string length l and matching length r. It turns out that finding detectors is hardest in the phase transition region, which is characterized by certain combinations of parameters $|\mathcalS|,l$ and r. This insight is derived by investigating the r-contiguous matching probability in a random search approach and by using the equivalent k-CNF problem formulation.


@inproceedings { proc:Stibor2007,
author = { Thomas Stibor},
title = { Phase Transition and the Computational Complexity of Generating r-contiguous Detectors },
year = { 2007 },
booktitle = { Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS-2007) },
series = { Lecture Notes in Computer Science },
address = { Santos/SP, Brazil },
pages = { 142--155 },
publisher = { Springer-Verlag },
url = {https://www.sec.in.tum.de/i20/publications/phase-transition-and-the-computational-complexity-of-generating-r-contiguous-detectors/@@download/file/icaris2007tscrc.pdf}