Title: Robust Graph-based static code analysis
Title: Code Execution Attacks against Encrypted Virtual Machines
Title: Introducing CFI into the Linux Kernel
Title: Static Analysis of iOS Applications using Supergraphs
Title: Sticky File Shares: Fingerprinting SMB-Honeypots on the Internet
Title: A Data-flow Engine for Rust: Analyzing Security Critical Programs
Title: Decentralised Access Control using Advanced Attribute-Based Delegation in Open Directory Services
Title: Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection under Constraints
Title: A Longitudinal Study on WebAssembly
Title: Runtime verification mechanisms applied on enclaves
Title: System Architectures for Data Confidentiality and Frameworks for Main Memory Extraction
Title: Static Reverse Engineering of WebAssembly Binaries
Title: Authenticated delay-based geolocation validation of cloud resources
Title: Cryptographic basis for data privacy
Title: Threat Modeling Serverless Architectures
Title: Automated Fuzz Target Generation for C Libraries
Title: Code Virtualization for Software Protection: Analysis and Countermeasures
Title: Design and Implementation of a Standards-compliant Trust Negotiation Framework for Decentralised, Self-sovereign Identity Systems
Title: Improving OS-Level Virtualization Security by Syscall Interface Reduction
Title: Layered Android Malware Detection Using Program Dependence Graph Embedding and Manifest Features