Title: Automated Web Vulnerability Scanning with Focus on CSRF
Title: Data-driven Detection of Anomalous Inputs End-to-end Neural Approaches to Detect Anomalies and Adversarial Examples
Title: Collection, Summary and Evaluation of different Approaches for C Structure Type Inference from Binaries
Title: Mitigating Temporal Memory Errors using Memory Tagging Extensions
Title: Re-Ranking Results of Static Analysis Based on Fuzzing
Title: Instantiation of a Post-Quantum Key-Blinding Signature Scheme
Title: Deploying Unikernels in Unsecure Environments
Title: Confidential Computing with seL4 on RISC-V
Title: Reducing Boot Overhead of AMD SEV-SNP VMs with Support for Privilege Levels
Title: Uncertainty Quantification for Quantum Machine Learning
Title: Electromagnetic Side-Channel Leakage Assessment of Public Key Cryptography on Application Class Processors
Title: Leveraging Noise in Quantum Machine Learning to Improve Model Robustness
Title: Optimizing Hypervisor Fuzzing through Compiler-Based Symbolic Execution Integration
Title: Dynamic and Automatic Validation of Security Mechanisms for QUIC
Title: Automatisierte Dekompilierung von mit Virtualisierung obfuskierten Kompilaten
Title: Towards Identifying and Mitigating Open Weaknesses in the Linux Kernel
Title: Detection of Software Vulnerabilities using Fine-Tuned Large Language Models