Title: Approximate Quantumness Certification of NISQ Devices using Machine Learning
Title: Building a stealthy SSH & Web Honeypot
Title: Evaluation of Risks and Security Controls for Industrial Components within Connected Manufacturing
Title: Comparing Machine Learning with Fragment Template Attacks
Title: Improving the Security Guarantees of Trained Machine Learning Models Using Trusted Execution Environments
Title: Post-Quantum Cryptography in OT: A Systematic Literature Review and Practical Evaluation
Title: Towards Automatic Compliance Verification of the Cyber Resilience Act
Title: Considering Attackers with Root Access in Embedded Linux Update Systems
Title: Fault Attacks on ECC-Based Signature Verification Schemes
Title: Reference Models Aimed to Fit the Compliance Needs of GDPR and Current Challenges
Title: Dynamic Methods for Misuse Detection in Library Fuzzing
Title: Assessing Live-Migratability of Containers
Title: The extension of EffectiveSan
Title: Development of a P2P-Architecture for CTI Exchange
Title: Anomaly Detection for Smart Buildings
Title: ANMAD An Automated Network Mapping and Asset Discovery Framework
Title: Applying NLP for AC policy generation from responsibility definitions
Title: Towards Identifying and Mitigating Temporal Safety Weaknesses in the Linux Kernel
Title: The User Interaction Problem: A User Study
Title: Structure-Aware Crash Input Minimization for Library Fuzzing