Title: Evaluation of LLVM Lifters
Title: Bewertung von post-quantensicheren gitterbasierten Ansätzen zur attributbasierten Verschlüsselung
Title: Internet of Vulnerabilities: Extracting and Analysing Firmware of IoT devices
Title: Steigerung der Betriebssicherheit von Personenkraftwagen durch Bedrohungsanalysen für die Informationssicherheit
Title: Evaluating Sandboxing Mechanism in the Linux Kernel for Student Assignments
Title: Grey-box Fuzzing the Multithreaded DJI System Service in a QEMU User Environment
Title: I'll keep you my dirty little secret: Towards automatic detection of bad crypto in Type I embedded devices
Title: Communicating through Firewalls by using Reinforcement Learning
Title: Sicherheit von Software-Lieferketten
Title: Secure Update Mechanisms for Embedded Devices
Title: Bewertung der Sicherheit von Open-source Infrastruktur für Onlinevoting
Title: Development and Implementation of a Public Key Infrastructure for Industrial Environments
Title: Software-based Countermeasures against Fault Injection
Title: Adversarial Detection in the Audio Domain
Title: Towards High-Performance Full System Fuzzing of IoT Firmware
Title: LUCE: Logic-based Usage Control Enforcement Framework
Title: Sidechannel Based Disassembling of a RISC-V ASIC using Machine Learning
Title: Privacy Properties in Software Architectures: Analyzing Messenger Applications