Title: Anomaly detection methods to detect adversarial example
Title: Evaluation of Methods to Bypass Recent Antivirus Systems in Windows Environments
Title: Emotion Detection Analysis - Face and Gesture
Title: Detection of Misuse and Malicious Behaviours through an Emotion Analysis System - Speech
Title: Development of a secure ad-hoc wireless network protocol based on bluetooth low energy
Title: Development of a Network Intrusion Detection Demonstrator for Industrial Control Systems
Title: Automatic Compartmentalization of Rust Programs to Simplify Software Development with AMD SEV
Title: Application Attack Surface Reduction on the System Call Interface
Title: Enhancing a general Secure Software Development Lifecycle for Hosted Solutions
Title: Simulation and Analysis of Fault Injection focusing on the difference through the Instruction Set Architecture
Title: Making incomplete code compliable
Title: Verteidigungen gegen Adversarial Policies
Title: Robust Physical Attacks on Neural Networks
Title: Compliance-driven cyber risk analysis of industrial assets within the civil aircraft industry
Title: Anomaly Detection for Cyber-Physical Systems
Title: Exploiting and Hardening Unikernel Heap Allocators
Title: Dynamic Optimizations for Symbolic Execution
Title: Impact of quantum computers on automotive security and possible mitigations