Title: Secure Communication Between Enclaves in the Keystone Platform
Title: Improving Performance of Blackbox and Coverage-Guided Fuzzing Using Modified System Calls
Title: Migration of Operating System Containers in Secure Encrypted Virtual Machines
Title: Collecting Large-Scale High Quality Audio Datasets for Text-to-Speech Synthesis
Title: Malicious manipulations of CAM Software in Additive Manufacturing using Desktop 3D Printer Software
Title: Audio Adversarial Examples: Detection
Title: Mitigation of Advanced Code Reuse Attacks
Title: Measuring the Linux Kernel Attack Surface
Title: Sanitizer Crash Bucketing for Fuzzing
Title: Edge-Driven Proximity Service Platform for the Internet of Things in Indoor Environments
Title: Implementation of Attribute-Based Encryption in Rust on ARM Cortex M Processors
Title: Verschiebungsempfindlichkeit von Sprecherkennungssystemen
Title: Evaluation of the State of the Art in Fuzz-Testing virtualized environments
Title: Modelling the impact of the iOS Runtime on Data Flows in Applications
Title: A Survey of State of the Art Trusted Platforms in Comparison with Intel TXT
Title: Detecting Numeric Operations Threatening Memory Safety in Rust
Title: Development of a Testbed to Demonstrate Attacks on Emulated PLC Networks
Title: Secure and Private Multi-Party Event Detection
Title: Forkbeard: A Modern and General Approach to TOFU
Title: Assessing Privacy in Cloud Services - Measurements and Approaches