Title: Access Delegation using Proxy Re-Encryption
Title: Evaluation and Analysis of Timing Leakage in the context of Wireless IoT Microcontrollers
Title: RkNN query on encrypted multi-dimensional data using the Paillier cryptosystem and OPE
Title: KNN on Encrypted Geospatial Data
Title: Extracting ICS Models from Malware via Concolic Analysis
Title: Efficient Decoding of Gabidulin Codes for the RQC NIST Proposal
Title: Securing OS-level virtualized Systems using hardware features
Title: Language Dependencies in the Generation of Audio Adversarial Examples
Title: Identity Escrow in Self-Sovereign Identity Systems
Title: Privacy-preserving access control for a blockchain-based distributed key-management system
Title: Deepfake Detection Using Sequential Models
Title: Offensive Security of Bluetooth Audio Devices
Title: Leveraging Weighted Pushdown Systems for Taint Analysis of iOS Applications
Title: Data-Flow Analysis using Synchronized Pushdown Systems on Code Property Graphs
Title: Privacy-Preserving Distributed Learning Techniques
Title: Automated Testing of Security Requirements
Title: Collection, Summary and Evaluation of different Approaches for C++ Binary Analysis
Title: forkever: A Framework for testing and exploiting programs
Title: Designing Policy Enforcement Systems in Cloud Environments